Print ISSN 2580-412X
Online ISSN 2549-8851
DOI Prefix 10.24036
Publisher Departemen Ilmu Sosial Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNP
Editor in Chief  Fatmariza
Frequency 2 issues per year
Focus & Scope Journal of Moral and Civic Education invites scholars, research, pratitioners and graduate students to submit their scientific articles derived from research, studies, and book review in the areas as follows: Civic education, Moral Education, Interdiciplinary studies in social and Politics.



Journal of Moral and Civic Education (JMCE), accredited Sinta 3, is a scientific journal published by the Universitas Negeri Padang Social Political Science Department in collaboration with Asosiasi Profesi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia (Indonesia Association of Pancasila and Civic Education/AP3KnI) and Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI). JMCE publishes articles about moral and civic education, interdisciplinary studies of social and politics. Before publication, articles are peer-reviewed by independent experts and approved by our board of editors. JMCE is published twice a year.   









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We would like to inform that Journal of Moral and Civic Education (JMCE) has changed the article template. We would like to alter the template in order to fulfill the dynamic orientation of the international journal. This change has been applied since June 2019. Please refer to the new article template.


Current Issue

Vol 9 No 1 (2025): Journal of Moral and Civic Education (IN PRESS)
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